Tips for Helping Your Favorite Senior Stay in Great Health

Tips for Helping Your Favorite Senior Stay in Great Health

  • 2 Ways A Home Health Care Agency Can Help With Your Elderly Parent

    Taking care of an elderly parent can be a challenge, especially when there are a lot of things that you have to deal with in order to make sure your parent is safe wherever they are. Luckily, you don't have to do it all on your own. There are people who you can call on to help you with it. Those people include home health care agencies who specialize in working with senior citizens.

  • Seniors Happily Live At Home When They Receive Home Health Care Services At Home

    Research studies verify that seniors benefit from remaining in their homes as long as they receive all the health care services they need in that setting. They lead active and productive lifestyles at home and like living at home because it offers them peace and contentment in a familiar surrounding. Social workers and home care physicians are the core members of a team of professionals who assess what services each senior will need.

  • How Teletherapy For Speech And Language Works

    If you have a child that you are schooling at home, you can still get special needs services for him/her. If the schooling program is through an online charter program operated by your state, then you do not have to pay for these services either. These services, such as speech and language or occupational therapy, come to you via teletherapy. This is how it works: Your Child's Therapist Schedules an Initial Meeting

  • 3 Tips For Talking To Elderly Parents About In-Home Healthcare

    It's not at all uncommon for seniors to desire to stay in their homes and maintain their independence as they age. According to one survey, nearly 90% of seniors want to stay in their homes, and 82% still prefer to stay at home even if they need ongoing healthcare. This should make in-home healthcare a popular option for seniors, but if you're an adult child, you may find that your parents are resistant to the idea of bringing in a home healthcare worker, even if you think they need it.

  • Coping With Caregiving Challenges: Prevent Burnout During Alzheimer's Care

    The life of a caregiver is full of rewards. After all, you love knowing that you contribute to someone else's happiness every day. However, caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease is also demanding, and the stress that is generated by dealing with dementia symptoms such as memory loss and aggression can place you at risk for burnout. Use these tips to take care of yourself as a caregiver so that burnout does not stop you from giving your all each day.

About Me

Tips for Helping Your Favorite Senior Stay in Great Health

I have a passion for seniors. When I was growing up, my granny was my best friend. She helped me with my homework every day after school and was always ready to lend an ear when I needed someone to talk to. As I grew older and my grandmother did as well, she developed dementia. My parents, siblings, and I all took turns visiting her home to give her the extra care she needed. I learned a lot during this experience and know there are others out there with elderly relatives they are already caring for or suspect may need some extra care. I decided to create a blog to share my senior care tips with anyone and everyone who needs the advice. Come back often for new posts!
